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Phase 1 Concludes Providing Valuable Insights

Drone Traffic Management Trials Advance in Canada

Phase 1 Concludes, Providing Valuable Insights

The first phase of Canadian drone traffic management (RTM) trials has concluded in 2022, providing valuable observations to advance RTM in the country. These trials were conducted by a consortium led by AeroVision Canada Inc., along with principal partners ANRA Technologies and ClearSky Connect.

Key Findings from Phase 1

The Phase 1 trials focused on evaluating the requirements for RTM services in Canada. The trials provided insights into the following areas:

  • Integration of drones into airspace
  • Safe and efficient drone operations
  • Communication and coordination between drones and air traffic control

Phase 2 to Refine and Evaluate RTM Requirements

Based on the findings from Phase 1, Phase 2 of the trials will refine and evaluate the requirements for RTM services. This phase will focus on developing and testing specific RTM solutions, such as:

  • Dynamic airspace management
  • Drone-to-drone communication
  • Integration with existing air traffic control systems

Benefits of Advanced RTM

Advanced RTM systems will enable safe and efficient drone operations for a variety of applications, including:

  • Delivery and logistics
  • Inspection and maintenance
  • Search and rescue


The Canadian drone traffic management trials are an important step towards integrating drones into the national airspace. By providing valuable insights into the requirements for RTM services, these trials will help to pave the way for safe and efficient drone operations in the future.
